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Paris Township is home to the Pheasant Run Landfill & a Wisconsin Electric Power Generating Plant.
Pheasant Run Landfill also has an electric generating  plant.  At Pheasant Run, the methane gas produced by rotting garbage fuels 11 engines producing enough energy to power 7,000 homes.
Pheasant Run Landfill & Recycling
19414-60th St.
Bristol, WI 53104
Hours:  Monday thru Friday 7-3:30pm
                                    Saturday 7-11:30am
Landfill Update  9/1/02  60 acre expansion to the northeast begins extending life of landfill approx. 7yrs.
Landfill Update  3/15/03  Plans are being considered for a 250 acre expansion of landfill that would use farmland to the north.  Nine test wells have been bored.
9/26/09  As the landfill expansion extends to the north towards Hwy. N, I have noticed more odors and an increase in odor intensity...putting it politely-it's putrid.  Some evenings it's nearly impossible to go outside especially so when it is humid because the smell partially activates one's gag reflex.  Another dump (besides generating stink)  activity is generating electricity from the gas emitted by the rotting garbage.  The noise from the generators seems more unrelenting of late.  Almost like the traffic noise of living near I-94.